Rachel Leedom


Brand Strategist. Creative Director. Designer. Writer. Mentor.

Master the art of brand syncopation. Embrace creative deviation by leaning into structure, data, and the art of consistency. 

The future is digital, but it doesn’t have to be less human, artistic, or authentic. I nurture brands that thrive on innovation while staying true to their core values. Through the nuanced integration of brand and communication strategies, creative direction, and project management, I develop powerful experiences for tomorrow’s audiences. With a holistic eye for brand-building, I align every touchpoint with bold rhythms to keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

I’ve learned to trust the timing of creation, knowing that creativity begets creativity and mastery requires years of practice. This deep trust has taken me nearly two decades to cultivate through hundreds of personal and professional projects. In my process of attuning to the heart of a creation, I believe personalized structures best support growth and success. An individualized approach allows for expansive possibilities. I help folks make playfulness practical, so they can work unencumbered by perfectionism or the industry pressures that can dilute its purity.

Your work deserves to fulfill its full potential. Through Design Thinking methodology, I help you unify your messaging, fan the creative fire, and craft a cohesive digital experience.